Press kit

Short biog­ra­phy


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1st person

I’m a trans­me­dia sto­ry­teller (focused on film) and a social entre­pre­neur from Berlin, Ger­many. Basi­cally this means: I tell sto­ries aiming for social impact. I film the change I want to see in the world.

I work as a cre­ator and pro­ducer of trans­me­dia projects (mainly audio-visual), and I advise cre­ative folks on crowd­fund­ing. I’m also pretty active in the game mod­ding scene which explains my affin­ity to user con­trolled sto­ry­telling, user gen­er­ated con­tent, com­mu­nity build­ing, etc...

At age 15, I founded my first band, being 16 I directed my own dance group as a chore­o­g­ra­pher and during my school­days I started work­ing as a graphic designer for bands and polit­i­cal activists.
After my years of travel I played in 4 more bands which even­tu­ally lead me to com­pos­ing film scores and writ­ing screen­plays. In the mean­time I had to earn my pocket money as a web designer and gained some acting expe­ri­ence in two drama groups. 
My first direct­ing I real­ized in 2002 with ‚paradogma’ - and this expe­ri­ence con­vinced me to found my very own inde­pen­dent pro­duc­tion com­pany (

3rd person

Daniel is a trans­me­dia sto­ry­teller (focused on film) and a social entre­pre­neur from Berlin, Ger­many. Basi­cally this means: He tells sto­ries aiming for social impact.

He works as a cre­ator and pro­ducer of trans­me­dia projects (mainly audio-visual), and advises cre­ative folks on crowd­fund­ing. He is also pretty active in the game mod­ding scene which explains his affin­ity to user con­trolled story telling, user gen­er­ated con­tent, com­mu­nity build­ing, etc...

At age 15, Daniel founded his first band, being 16 he directed his own dance group as a chore­o­g­ra­pher and during his school­days he started work­ing as a graphic designer for bands and polit­i­cal activists.
After his years of travel he played in 4 more bands which even­tu­ally lead him to com­pos­ing film scores and writ­ing screen­plays. In the mean­time he had to earn his pocket money as a web designer and gained some acting expe­ri­ence in two drama groups. 
His first direct­ing he real­ized in 2002 with ‚paradogma’ - and this expe­ri­ence con­vinced him to found his very own inde­pen­dent pro­duc­tion com­pany (

Social Media





(click on the pics to open higher res­o­lu­tions. right click, save as... to download.)

Daniel Boehme - storyteller & social entrepreneur
Daniel Boehme - sto­ry­teller & social entrepreneur
Image of Daniel Boehme - film director and social entrepreneur
Daniel Boehme - film director
Daniel Boehme - storyteller & social entrepreneur
Daniel Boehme - sto­ry­teller & social entrepreneur

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