I’m a storyteller

First off: in the begin­ning of the 21st cen­tury sto­ries are not nec­es­sar­ily ‚TOLD’ any­more. Sto­ry­tellers have end­less pos­si­bil­i­ties at hand.


I am a film­maker - so it’s quiet obvi­ous what my pref­ered medium is. I ‚SHOW’ my sto­ries. Some­times a pic­ture is worth a thou­sand words. A pic­ture with sound and music... a cer­tain move of a char­ac­ter... the over­whelm­ing sun­rise over Berlin from the top of a roof... a spe­cial prop in the shelf that makes you feel that you’ve known that main char­ac­ter all your life...

Scene from ’13 stages’: the chalk­board on the wall says ‚I am the lie!’ - ear­lier in the movie it used to say ‚The truth is out there...’ (View on flickr)
On the roof with an Angel :) (Scene from '13 stages')
On the roof with an Angel :) (Scene from ’13 stages’) (View on flickr)

My inten­tion

The need of social change in the world and my wish to act respon­si­bly are my main motives to tell sto­ries. I’m highly inter­ested in any form of human inter­ac­tion or rela­tion­ships... that’s why I focus my work on such topics pretty much. And I always try to com­bine old and new, clas­si­cal art of cin­e­mat­ics and new media.

Game Mod­ding

Besides film­ing I am inter­ested in many other forms of sto­ry­telling too. One impor­tant hobby of mine is Game Mod­ding. I am / used to be quiet active in the mod­ding scene and i have pub­lished var­i­ous ‚mods’ (mod­i­fi­ca­tions of an exist­ing com­puter game).
Games are a won­der­ful medium for sto­ry­tellers because of the inter­ac­tiv­ity. It’s a huge chal­lange - depend­ing on the com­plex­ity of your story line - to main­tain con­sis­tence in a non-linear story.

Oblivion mod: Lëida - an infantile ghost from ancient times
Obliv­ion mod: Lëida - an infan­tile ghost from ancient times
An ancient ruin i created for an 'Oblivion' mod - the wall textures were taken from the famous 'Ishtar Gate'
An ancient ruin i cre­ated for an ‚Obliv­ion’ mod - the wall tex­tures were taken from the famous ‚Ishtar Gate’
My alter ego in a game mod I created
My alter ego in a game mod I created

User con­trolled stories

Another nice thing I am cur­rently work­ing on is sto­ry­telling with user / com­mu­nity inter­ac­tion. My movie project ’13 stages’ is one exam­ple. The fic­tional char­ac­ters from the movie have real life social media accounts to com­mu­ni­cate with the audi­ence!
For the project ‚Heart of Berlin’ I mix up fic­tion and doc­u­men­tary and com­bine it with com­mu­nity input.
‚LIFE unleashed’ is almost com­pletely user-generated - based on sto­ries sub­mit­ted by the audience.

Bottom line

In the 21st cen­tury sto­ries can still be told, read or watched -  but also be expe­ri­enced or lived! :)

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