About me

I’m a sto­ry­teller, coder, social entre­pre­neur, auto­di­dact, nerd, infor­ma­tion sponge, father, vegan, activist. I am Arya in the Game of Thrones quiz and usu­ally switch between ENFP and INFP depend­ing on the 4 sea­sons. I can ana­lyze dreams and make myself invis­i­ble in a crowded place, and I like read­ing minds, dis­cussing pol­i­tics and social issues.

The six things I could never do without

(Yes, this sec­tion was inspired by OkCu­pid! ;)
Intu­ition, Humor, Empa­thy, Intel­li­gence, Loy­alty, Curios­ity... The sev­enth thing is: Magic. Yes, I CAN count. :P

Favorite music, books, movies, food


(just a very small selec­tion) Ben X, Amélie, Swing kids, Fight Club, The Matrix, Babel, Fuck­ing Amal, Velvet Gold­mine, Hair...


Dead Can Dance, Metric, Yann Tiersen, Val­ravn, Loreena McKen­nitt, Myslovitz, Cold­play, Bad Reli­gion, Depeche Mode, Andy Williams...


Carlos Cas­taneda, Aleis­ter Crow­ley, Paul Wat­zlaw­ick, C.G. Jung, any­thing fantasy...


I’m vegan since 1996 and I never cook the same meal twice because I don’t use recipes - every­thing impro­vised and intuitive. :)

Short biog­ra­phy (offi­cial)

Daniel Boehme - storyteller & social entrepreneur
Daniel Boehme - sto­ry­teller & social entrepreneur

At age 15, I founded my first band, being 16 I directed my own dance group as a chore­o­g­ra­pher and during my school­days I started coding and work­ing as a graphic designer for bands and the polit­i­cal under­ground.After my years of travel I played in 4 more bands which even­tu­ally lead me to com­pos­ing film scores and writ­ing screen­plays. In the mean­time I had to earn my pocket money as a web designer and gained some acting expe­ri­ence in two drama groups.My first direct­ing I real­ized in 2002 with ‚paradogma’ - and this expe­ri­ence con­vinced me to found my very own inde­pen­dent pro­duc­tion com­pany ’soda.film berlin’.

Daniel Boehme - veteran in a play
Daniel Boehme - vet­eran in a play

Since then I have been work­ing as a film­maker of music videos, short films and social spots and as a coder / web designer. Check out my fil­mog­ra­phy for some examples!

I always try to con­nect my 2 sides - cre­ativ­ity and logic. A good exam­ple is the phi­los­o­phy of my film com­pany soda.film. And I have gained some fame as a game modder. (Mod­ders design and code ‚mods’, changes or addi­tions to com­puter games.) To me, mod­ding is the per­fect com­bi­na­tion of cre­ativ­ity and logic. And this explains my affin­ity to user con­trolled story telling, user gen­er­ated con­tent, com­mu­nity build­ing, etc... (for details see ‚I’m a sto­ry­teller’)

Pri­vate stuff

If you want to find out more per­sonal stuff about me, my hob­bies, inter­ests... refer to the cat­e­gories in my blog (‚My 2 cents’):

likes & dis­likes

soda.logoI’m founder and CEO of the film pro­duc­tion com­pany ’soda.film berlin’ (a social enter­prise of course).

There you can find infos and news about my cur­rent social film projects that are still in development. :)

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